Number and localisation of MV/LV transformer substations

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Home > MV and LV architecture selection guide for buildings > Choice of architecture fundamentals > Number and localisation of MV/LV transformer substations

The main criteria to consider for determination of the number and the location of the MV/LV substations are the following:

  • Number of buildings
  • Surface of each building
  • Number of floors per building
  • Repartition and power of the consumers
  • Power demand per area, floor, building
  • Sensitivity to interruption, need for redundancy

To determine the number and the location of the MV/LV substations, we may however give the following basic indications:

  • Small and medium size building: One single MV/LV substation
  • Large building: One or several MV/LV substations depending on the power and the repartition of the consumers
  • Building with several floors: One or several MV/LV substations depending on the power and the repartition of the consumers. One MV/LV substation may be dedicated to each floor
  • Large site with several buildings: One MV/LV substation may be dedicated to each building.