PV System: how to ensure safety during all the life cycle of the installation

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IEC60364-6 requires initial and periodic verifi cations of electrical installations.

Specificities of photovoltaic installation (outdoor, high DC voltage, unsupervised installation) make periodic checking very important.

If usually the efficiency of all the system is checked in order to ensure the maximum production, we recommend to perform periodic maintenance of equipment.

PV system operating conditions involve various environmental stresses: wide temperature variations, humidity, and electrical stresses. In order to ensure performances of equipment during all the life cycle of installation particular attention shall be paid to the following:

  • Enclosure integrity (Double isolation IP level)
  • Switchgears operating condition and integrity
    • to evaluate if any overheating has occurred
    • to examine switchgears for the presence of dust, moisture…
  • Visual check of electrical connections
  • Functional test of equipment and auxiliaries
  • Insulation monitoring device test
  • Insulation resistance test