Energy Efficiency and Prosumer electrical installation standards

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Scope of application of standards

It is important to differentiate standards which apply to a complete site assessment, to standards which apply to measurement devices used to help site assessments, as shown in Figure K4:

Fig. K4 – Standards for Energy Efficiency, cost allocation & optimization
Methodology standards or Rules (for an organisation, e.g. a plant, commercial building, ...) Application standards
(applicable to a plant, commercial building, ...)
Usual product standards
ISO 50001
Energy Management Systems –
Requirements with guidance for use

Green labels for buildings
(LEED, BREEAM, HQE, E+C-, DGNB, Passivhaus, Title24, Minergie, …)

ISO 50006
Energy Baseline (EnBs) & Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs)

IEC 60364-8-1
Low voltage installations –
Part 8-1: Energy Efficiency

IEC 60364-8-82
Low voltage installations -
Part 8-2: Prosumer installations

EN 17267
Energy measurement and monitoring plan: Design and implementation

EN 50600-2-2
Information technology – Data centre facilities and infrastructures –
Part 2-2: Power distribution

PMD (Power Metering and Monitoring Devices)

IEC 61557-12
Power metering and monitoring devices (PMD)
Gateways, energy servers, data loggers

IEC 62974-1
Monitoring and measuring systems used for data collection, gathering and analysis –
Part 1: Device requirements
  • NOTE Energy efficiency and cost savings, energy usage analysis is the process that allows a facility manager to assign energy consumption/costs to zones (plant, floor, workshop…) and to usages (HVAC, lighting, appliances, process…) over the time in order to allow optimization of energy consumption and energy costs.

IEC 60364 Parts 8

For many years, most of the electrical installations were connected to the grid, which was the only supply. IEC 60364 was focusing on protection for safety, and implementing IEC 60364 was the right way to protect people and properties.

Nowadays, new needs are requested for electrical installations:

  • Energy efficiency
  • Local generation with trading (Prosumer)
  • Smart grids

IEC 60364 answers these needs with new parts 8:

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 "Energy management systems - Requirements with guidance for use" is the main international standard providing requirements on Energy management Systems (EnMS). It provides a framework of requirements for organizations to:

  • Develop a policy for more efficient use of energy
  • Fix targets and objectives to meet the policy
  • Use data to better understand and make decisions about energy use
  • Measure the results
  • Review how well the policy works, and
  • Continually improve energy management.

The Energy management system model required in ISO 50001 is described in Figure K5:

Fig. K5 – Energy management system model for ISO 50001

ISO 50006

ISO 50006 is a companion standard of ISO 50001, providing practical guidance on how to monitor energy efficiency with the help of energy performance indicators (EnPI) measured on periods. Comparing EnPI between the baseline period and the reporting period means measuring energy efficiency improvements, see Figure K6.

EnPI = value or measure that quantifies results related to energy efficiency, use and consumption in facilities, systems, processes and equipment as a whole or in part.
EnB = quantifies energy performance during a specified time period to be used as a base reference for comparing energy performance.

The organization should consider the specific energy performance targets while identifying and designing EnPIs and EnBs.

One element highlighted in ISO 50006 is the importance of defining and quantifying the factors or variables which may have an impact on energy consumption (such as external temperature, occupancy …) in order to compare energy performance under equivalent conditions.

Fig. K6 – Concept of Baseline period and Reporting period for EnPI