My name is Laurent Mischler
My current residence is near Grenoble, FRANCE
I have been working at Schneider Electric since 1988.
My background is :
- Software development management in Lighting control systems
- Marketing in Lighting control systems
- Business development for Busway offers
- Marketing in Large sites switchboards
- Marketing in Panelbuilder channel development
- Markeing in Specifiers channel development (Consulting engineers - Design institutes)
My current position is Technical communication manager, and I'm the administrator of this Electrical Installation Wiki, and also in charge of coordinating the evolutions of the Electrical Installation Guide / Wiki content, in collaboration with my Technical Expert colleagues.
Nota: do you know that Schneider Electric experts of this wiki are also sharing their expertise in Schneider Electric Power Management blog ? You can also find there a short introduction of the main evolutions introduced in the Electrical Installation Guide 2018 edition